I usually try to take some photos of the kids in some of their school clothes a few days before school starts. Well that's TOMORROW!! Can you tell that I am excited! Anyway, it's usually pretty rushed in the morning and we are lucky to get a couple snapshots as we're walking out the door. Here's some that I took of the kids today. They weren't all that cooperative....

I will NOT look at you...
Even though I really struggle with J.T. during photo shoots, I usually end up getting better ones of him.
He can be so darn cute when he wants to...

I always try to get ones of them together but they usually don't want to be that close...

I really didn't like the ones I got of Abigail the first time so we went back outside to try again. And these are much better! You know what makes her laugh and have a natural smile is blowing raspberries! Funny huh?
And she got a haircut on Thursday too. She is very proud of it. We had about 3-4 inches cut off and it looks so cute!

Now we can just try to get a couple family snapshots before school and be on our way....
Awww... your kids are so adorable!!! You got some great shots of them!
They both have such playful, energetic faces....they must be a joy in your life!
You've got a couple of cuties, great shots of them!
Great shots of the two of them together. I love the last ones of dh she looks so happy.
It's off to school they go! Looks like they're all set. I also
love their new backpacks for the year!
Love these! Great idea to have a photo shoot before the first day of school!!
They are so cute in their new clothes! Great idea getting their back to school pics early, I wish I had thought of that. We were so rushed on the first day.
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