Sunday, January 20, 2008

She lost another one....

Before we went on our trip to Colorado, Abigail lost another tooth. It had been awhile. In fact, I can't remember exactly when was the last time.... maybe 6 months ago. She had a loose one and thought she would have to take her tooth fairy pillow to the grandparents' house while we were gone. Good thing she lost it while
we were still here.

You probably can't even tell, but the one she lost is on the left side (her right side) next to the big, permanent tooth. She still has quite a few more to go though...

Here's Abigail holding her tooth fairy pillow. She hangs it on her door with the tooth in it, because we've convinced her that it's easier for the Tooth Fairy to find it there (rather than under her pillow).....

It's a good thing the Tooth Fairy came that night.....

1 comment:

karen said...

That's our girl...with a big happy smile! I bet the Tooth Fairy really likes finding your teeth on the door. That way she won't wake you up & she knows right where to find it!