Monday, July 27, 2009


Embezzling from a non-profit Children's Center is not a good idea! Sentencing was today for former Ferndale Children's Center director.... $19,500 in restitution to be paid, 5 years felony probation, 300 hours community service, apology letter to board and parents, and 30 days in jail (or SWAP).

As a board member, I am happy to say it is finally over and we can move on in a positive way with the Children's Center! We hired a new director, Nicole Farrow, that will start on August 3.

If you didn't know about all of this, feel free to read a previous blog post that gives more details.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I know this has been a challenging thing to deal with and I am sure you are glad it is FINALLY over.

Kristina Radelfinger said...

Hey, you need to add "felony probation" in there somewhere! ;-)