Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Wanna know what I did today? Even if you don't, I will tell you!

1. Took Abigail and J.T. to school.

2. Went to Eureka. Had to go to the County Recorder's Office first. It's located in the top floor of the courthouse. Let me just say that there is NO parking anywhere nearby. It took me longer to walk from where I parked than it took me to take care of business at the Recorder's Office.

3. Went to Target for a few necessary things..... $85 later, I left! :(

4. Met Sara at Los Bagels for some hang-out time and a very yummy bagel. It was a toasted multi-grain bagel with goat cheese spread, olives, capers, tomato slices and Larrupin Mustard Sauce. So good!

5. Headed back home to get some other stuff done.

6. Went for a 3 mile walk. Let me just say that I love my iPod Touch.... Can't take a walk without it!

7. Took my truck in for an oil change, which was way overdue. Andy picked me up and we did some errands around town. I got my truck back a little later.

8. Ran up to Christina's house so she could help me decide between a brown dress and a black dress for the cruise's formal night.

9. Visited my mom at her office for a few minutes.

10. Picked up Abigail from Excel, the after-school program.

11. Came home and started dinner.... at this point we are having Brown Sugar Glazed Grilled Salmon, pasta with tomatoes and garlic, veggies and fruit. Better get back to work on dinner...

What did you do today?

1 comment:

karen said...

Sounds like a full day! Glad you got to do your errands, see Sara, have a yummy bagel (I need to try that combination), have your truck taken care of, visit your Mom, spend some time with Andy, and plan a tasty dinner for him, you, and the kids. Life is good; God is good! (Did Connor have his birthday party yet?)