Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy Birthday

to my friend Shelley! She's turning 30 today and isn't too happy about it. I tried to tell her that, even though I had a really hard time turning 30 myself, it really isn't that bad. Once you do it, you won't even notice. Anyone who is 30 already, feel free to leave Shelley a comment here about 30 being not too bad! Thanks everyone!


Rosjuane said...

I'm not 30 yet, but I can only hope I will be so HOT!!

Shelley said...

I am getting used to it.....I guess.....haha.

I DID get my bb gun :)

Anonymous said...

30 is is like being in a cool new club that you were never aware of before...way better than your 20s...

Anonymous said...

Personally I have enjoyed my thirties better than my twenties. I have been blessed with a wonderful life and am looking forward to growing older. I think my twenties were much harder especially as far as finances go because I was broke :)