Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yucky day outside

You certainly wouldn't know it was Spring when you look outside. It has been rainy and windy all day. Since we didn't have any plans for the day, we decided to stay inside where it's warm. I can't remember the last weekend when we had NOTHING planned... it's a nice change!

The kids stayed in their jammies most of the morning, watched cartoons, made a disaster out of the living room, and had a veg-out day! Everyone needs a day like that everyone now and then...

My day wasn't quite as relaxing, but I did get some things done. I did three loads of laundry, cleaned out all the bathroom cupboards in the master bathroom, and made some cookies. I had to hurry up and bake the cookies while Andy was at the ranch because he likes to come steal the cookie dough.

It is just about time for naps. Today is a great day for a nap....

1 comment:

Shelley said...

It's gorgeous here, 75-80, come on down!