Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Snail Rock

When I was growing up, I would sometimes spend the day with my Dad out at Bear River (this is where the ranches are that he ran, and we now run, our cattle). There is this object that you can see from the road out there that we call "Snail Rock." We aren't sure if it's a rock, a bush, or a combination of the two. We talked about it almost everytime we drove by it.

We would talk about taking a walk out from the road to see what it really was... but we never did. I think part of it was that we didn't want to ruin the mystery of what it really was made of.

Many times driving by, I wanted to stop and take a picture. Yesterday I was out there, and I asked Andy to stop and I finally took a picture of it!

I know it's hard to see much from this picture. This was as far as my big zoom lens would reach. I actually like the fact that I STILL can't really tell what it is from the picture. The mystery continues...


Jess said...

Ooh... the speculation continues! You must have some willpower, I wouldn't be able to stand not knowing what it really is! LOL! Has it changed at all over the years or has it always looked like that?

For Over 29 Years... said...

what a great story and memory. I wonder if you will EVEr go out there.

Anonymous said...

Cool shot and I wonder if you will ever figure out what it is...

pat said...

I love it! It DOES look like a snail!! You are much better than I am; I would've gone to investigate long ago. Stuff like that intrigues me.

Becky said...

Whey did you do that to me? I want to know what it is! :-D

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

What a great memory and journaling about it.

*Jennifer* said...

that is so neat, it really does look like a snail! has it always looked just like that all these years? i would have to find out what it is!